How could I ever believe ten thousand stones would build the best of me.

My days are filled with mistakes
Some that I didn't make
I carry them around

Some people don't feel a thing
Some kind of blissful dream
I wish that I could live that now
Oh, I wish I could live that now

I've seen a lot in my life
I've seen two wrongs make a right
When everything was crashing

I know that you've got your plans
You're always taking your stand
But I was only asking
No, I was never asking

Oh, who knows
What you think of me now
Knowing sooner or later
The truth would come out
But I don't want to look back
Don't want to look back

To ten thousand stones
Hanging deep in my heart
No, I don't know
How they don't tear me apart
How could I ever believe
That ten thousand stones
Would save the fool in me

Ten thousand stones
Would be a strange blessing
Ten thousand stones
Would build the best of me

Postat av: elsa

haj haj

2012-01-30 @ 13:08:51
Postat av: Anonym

Haj haj haj!

2012-01-30 @ 13:11:57
Postat av: Lilla Elin [drömmen om ett barn]

Spana gärna in i min ny startade blogg & följ med mig i min dröm om ett barn samt en klick med inredning, ha en fortsatt trevlig dag! kram :)

2012-01-31 @ 16:45:31
Postat av: Anonym

Fin blogg du har! =) Läget idag?

2012-01-31 @ 17:35:14

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